
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Assembly Drawing- Wardrobe

So, basically My lecturer give us a task. Our task is about drawing a assembly drawing for a wardrobe. So, I had choose my hostel's wardrobe as my assembly drawing.

 This is my wardrobe. It make by laminated timber/wood.

So, This will be my blow up part.One of the Hinger part.

At the end, this is the assembly drawing for my wardrobe that I come out with. I don't know if whether it's correct or not but I had try my best to do it ;)...

Thursday, April 16, 2015


HI guys, How are you guys?
   So, basically what I want to share about today is what I learned from Detailing class today. First at all, we have a class about the measured drawing. We going to site visit at Sri Hartamas soon. What we need to do is measure, and observe. Some others group need to collect and data. and take every single notes.After class, my lecturer want to test us about the understanding and ask us to draw a drawer with the stopper. For, the first time, I'm seriously confuse with that. But, after my lecturer keep explain ,finally I got my correct drawer detail drawing. 
So, this is my sketches.
This is the first drawing the I get wrong point.

This is the final one. Seriously,finally!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


 My name is Vivian Ngu Wan Lin, a Sarawakian girl! 20 years old, my birthday in on 28/5. A gemini girl. I'm interest in horoscope those type of things.Now, I study a degree Interior architecture programme in Taylor's University semester 3.I grew up in Sarawak, which a very simple and nice place. I like my hometown, no horrible terrible traffic jam like KL, Nice weather,nice food, a very relax and chill environment. As a kid, I loved drawing, painting. I have a dream to become a architect or interior designer one day since I'm still a little kid. I like food, specially junk food ,haha. I like watch drama, I like soft song, I like electronic song. A fan of Taylor Swift! She is so pretty!. I like shopping, I like to hang out with friends. I'm the girl who super love laughing, specially with my friends. Talk loudly, play crazy. I love my family, I love my dad love my mom of course my brothers too. They really give a lot of caring and love. My dad work hard everyday for just give his children a better lifes a better university to study, My mom spend most of her time to take care this home. They are such important for me. Besides, I had a lot of friends, I love them so much. I love friends too, why? they always stand with me when I'm sad, stress, or disappointed. They encourage me when I feel down. I'm the one if a friend  treat me good in once or two, I will treat her better than how she/he treat me, Friendship for me is so important. I think I really can't live without friends, even I have family or love one.I love my bestie in my hometown. They treat me like their family, like a sister. We hang out once a week when I went back.  Not only hometown, I'm glad that I met true friends in Kl too. We argued, we laugh, we crazy, we fight, we talk rudely, but we never left each of one. I love my life, from 1-17 I stay in Sarawak, sibu. After form 5, I came KL alone for my study. From that, I learnt so much things, I know who treat you as a true friends, who never. I'm the one who like to enjoy the life with different environment, different places, even it had some bad memories, because I think I really learnt a lot of things ,experiences, met a lot of different kind of friends, people, culture.  So, this is me! :) oh ya! I like met new friends too!So, Lets be friends! haha haha

           My two hometown babies!! love them so much!❤

This is me, phot credit by Jocelyn! hahaha❤
Da gang in Taylor's!!❤

Individual work

On the same day, our lecturer give a task for us again~It is a individual work. What we need to do is, draw again our chosen furniture that is the study desk. So, we need to draw it again in a proper scale way. We need to draw a plan, elevation, a section, and also a blow up part of it. Besides, we also need to explain the connected part like how the top and the leg be connected, and also the materials. The top of the study desk is made by a laminated timber wood, however the leg is made by steel with a black spray paint color. So, this is my drawing, enjoy, and thanks for reading my blog!

My first tutorial in class

HI guys, I'm  Vivian. So basically what I want to share today is about my first tutorial work in class. We be given seperated in 4 people in a group. Ofcourse, I group with all my pretty girls, who are Emily, Jojo(Jocelyn) and suk sian. So, our task for today is to draw a fast sketches for assembly drawing furniture that we had to choose in our class. So, we choose a study desk/table! So, below are some pictures we had took while we are in work and our drawings too. hahaha

  This is the study desk we had chosen! haha

 Emily is there! haha

 This is plan of the desk.

 SO, this is our final drawings for this study desk. :)

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Other view For My sketch book design!

This is some shoots for my sketch book!
The design pattern for my sketch book is flora doodles style. I love flowers,I like flora,I like curve line, For me, curve line represent my life. It will be always up and down. happiness and unhappiness. I like different thickness of lines, It represent my personality.Some part of me is strong, some part of me is weak. I like many little things combine to be a drawings. So, this is what I did~Thanks!!