
Tuesday, April 7, 2015


 My name is Vivian Ngu Wan Lin, a Sarawakian girl! 20 years old, my birthday in on 28/5. A gemini girl. I'm interest in horoscope those type of things.Now, I study a degree Interior architecture programme in Taylor's University semester 3.I grew up in Sarawak, which a very simple and nice place. I like my hometown, no horrible terrible traffic jam like KL, Nice weather,nice food, a very relax and chill environment. As a kid, I loved drawing, painting. I have a dream to become a architect or interior designer one day since I'm still a little kid. I like food, specially junk food ,haha. I like watch drama, I like soft song, I like electronic song. A fan of Taylor Swift! She is so pretty!. I like shopping, I like to hang out with friends. I'm the girl who super love laughing, specially with my friends. Talk loudly, play crazy. I love my family, I love my dad love my mom of course my brothers too. They really give a lot of caring and love. My dad work hard everyday for just give his children a better lifes a better university to study, My mom spend most of her time to take care this home. They are such important for me. Besides, I had a lot of friends, I love them so much. I love friends too, why? they always stand with me when I'm sad, stress, or disappointed. They encourage me when I feel down. I'm the one if a friend  treat me good in once or two, I will treat her better than how she/he treat me, Friendship for me is so important. I think I really can't live without friends, even I have family or love one.I love my bestie in my hometown. They treat me like their family, like a sister. We hang out once a week when I went back.  Not only hometown, I'm glad that I met true friends in Kl too. We argued, we laugh, we crazy, we fight, we talk rudely, but we never left each of one. I love my life, from 1-17 I stay in Sarawak, sibu. After form 5, I came KL alone for my study. From that, I learnt so much things, I know who treat you as a true friends, who never. I'm the one who like to enjoy the life with different environment, different places, even it had some bad memories, because I think I really learnt a lot of things ,experiences, met a lot of different kind of friends, people, culture.  So, this is me! :) oh ya! I like met new friends too!So, Lets be friends! haha haha

           My two hometown babies!! love them so much!❤

This is me, phot credit by Jocelyn! hahaha❤
Da gang in Taylor's!!❤

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