
Wednesday, July 15, 2015


HI guys, VIVIAN here. 'Long time no see' .haha. It's been a long day, I didn't upload my blog.. ( singing @#$%^) Ya, Finally my hard life er... month was over.!!! All my stress gone at the last moment. The reason why I didn't update my blog for so long time is because I had full of assignment. Which I think it was my hardest life and stress month. But, whatever, I done my semester 3 in Taylors!! Oh well, still got semester 4 ,5,6 .... But, who care. I need enjoy my holidays first!!. BUT first, I need completed my last task that give by our Miss Norji( our detailing lecturer) which is upload 10 drawings which I think is the... not really best but the better one. So, here  are some of my drawing that I pick.

HERE IS IT. THE END... wait!... I need specially thanks for some people who really help me a lot in this semester.. Thanks for Miss Norji and Miss Rafida  teach us a lot in this semester. Without both of them I think I not even know how to drawing a blow up or write a specification for the structure or furniture. Thanks both of you Miss!! and.. I need thanks for my buddies gang, my party gang which really help me super a lot. teach me and guide me for this semester. If not, I will blur for this whole semester.Thanks for suksian and Aderline and my housemate- Ming yee too. We pass all tears, sweat,  stress and hardworks together. You guys are really awesome. Thankiu babies.

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